Released as cassette and webrelease
Concept, recording and mixing by Simo Hakalisto
Mastering by Angakok Thoth
Released by LOM as LOM22 in 2024
Tape made by Headless Duplicated Tapes, Czechia
Art and design by Ester Mládenková
Wholehearted thanks to: Šárka, Emil and Aura,
Jonáš and Angakok of LOM
2024 CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Shakali is a project of Finnish, Brno-based musician Simo Hakalisto. Simo uses phonography, environmental interplay, and deep listening as an alternative way of documenting his encounters and environments. He calls it “technology-extended attention practice”, to be more sensitive, present, open, and responsive through the act of listening. The tracks on this album were recorded as in situ improvisations/observations, using multiple microphones to capture the situation simultaneously. This playful exploration delves into the sonic qualities of various materials, natural rhythms, and synchronicity—observing the interaction between the recordist, objects, and their environments.